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Chemical Storage Guidelines

For guidelines on the storage of chemicals, please refer to {http://wwwnew.towson.edu/adminfinance/Facilities/EHS/documents/ChemicalStorageGuidelines.pdf}. The guidelines can be used to implement a safe storage system for chemicals. Included are labeling instructions, information regarding chemical container integrity and a list of chemical incompatibilities.

The university is required by law to maintain a Chemical Information List (CIL). The list consists of the chemicals used/stored on campus, manufacturer of the chemical and the building/room where it is being stored/used. The CIL is provided to emergency response personnel in the event of an emergency. Therefore it is imperative that the CIL is as up-to-date as possible. Please notify Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) within 24 hours if you are adding any chemical/s to a room or if you are moving a chemical to a different room. This information should be sent to EHS via fax at 410-296-5076 or e-mail at {safety@towson.edu}. Please include your name, building, room number where the chemical will be stored (if moved from a room indicate that room as well), manufacturer of the chemical, chemical name and quantity. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss, please contact the Department of Environmental Health & Safety at 410-296-7593.