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New Remote Access Service is now Available

The Office of Technology Services is pleased to announce the new Virtual Workspace service which is now available to all Faculty and Staff. The new Virtual Workspace is the preferred method to access campus computing resources from off campus. It has been built to replace the current and outdated Citrix environment ({www.towson.edu/citrix}) that will be retired on March 5.

The Virtual Workspace environment is more stable, provides better accessibility, and also provides better security and functionality than the current Citrix environment. In addition, the new environment is now running the full Office 2003 Suite (including FrontPage, Publisher and Access) as well as the latest Internet Explorer, PDF Creator and Adobe Reader.

To access the new Citrix environment from a web browser use {http://virtualworkspace.towson.edu} or {http://vw.towson.edu}.

Which Internet web browsers are recommended to access Virtual Workspace?
-For Windows Users: Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher.
-For Mac Users: Mozilla FireFox 1.5 or higher.

You may need to download and install the Citrix Web Client to access the system from your computer. You will see a notification in the Message Center when you try to log in if you need to install the Citrix web client. If you are a Mac User, you can click on this link to download the Citrix client. Scroll down to Macintosh and choose either OS X or PowerPC: {http://www.citrix.com/English/SS/downloads/downloads.asp?dID=2755}

If you have questions, please contact the OTS Help Center at 410-704-5151.