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Renewal of AAUP/Faculty Association Membership

Dear Colleagues,

It is time to renew your AAUP/Faculty Association membership. The executive committee and I have done our best to decide what positions are in the best interest of the faculty. However, we need a committed and active membership to tell us what we should be doing. I urge you to join the AAUP/Faculty Association and to attend our meetings each semester. Tell us your concerns; we will bring them to the administration. They have shown a willingness to listen to us and to make changes when they can.

ALL faculty, librarians and academic professionals are members of the Faculty Association of Towson University and are entitled to be represented by the AAUP / Faculty Association. However, only Active Members are entitled to vote or hold elective office in the chapter. An academic professional may become an active member by paying the annual local dues. These dues are currently set at $15.

To become an active member of the AAUP/Faculty Association, your check for $15 should be made out to ?TU AAUP? and sent to: Jay Zimmerman,
Mathematics Department.

Unless you specify to me that you prefer your name NOT be included, your name will be included in the members section of the AAUP Web page.
I can be reached by email at {jzimmerman@towson.edu}. Thank you.

Jay Zimmerman
President, Towson Chapter