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Committee on LGBT Issues Re-launches Safe Space Program

The Safe Space workshop is designed to give interested faculty and staff members (including student Resident Assistants) some information and resources about lgbt issues, making them more confident to serve as a “friendly ear” to lgbt students or any student with lgbt questions or concerns. A Safe Space participant should be able to provide a confidential, sensitive and judgment-free conversation on lgbt issues and to direct students in need of more information or professional services to on-campus or off-campus resources.

The workshop takes an hour, includes user-friendly handouts and is free of charge. Workshop attendees receive a ‘safe space’ sticker for display on their office door.

Chairs, Deans or Staff leaders can contact Lisa Simmons {lsimmons@towson.edu} or Steve Satta {ssatta@towson.edu}, Committee Co-Chairs, to schedule a workshop for your staff or faculty. Workshop facilitators can come to your location on campus to work with your faculty or staff. Individual faculty or staff members can also contact Lisa or Steve and you will be informed of the time of the next “all-campus” workshop in the LGBT Cultural Center in the Psychology Building.