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Faculty/Staff Giving Campaign Gift Card

How to use your gift card to make your Faculty/Staff Giving Campaign Contribution

To make a contribution to the Faculty/Staff Giving Campaign, please follow the simple steps outlined below using the gift card. If you have not yet received your gift card, please contact the Development Office at x43375.

Steps to follow:
1. Print or type your Social Security number and name.
2. Check the appropriate box to ?Initiate? a payroll deduction if that is how you choose to give (?Change? and ?Cancel? are options after the pledge has been initiated for the year).
3. Indicate whether this is a payroll deduction or a one-time contribution for the 2005-2006 Campaign. Complete the total amount you wish to be deducted per pay period or amount of your one-time contribution.
4. Indicate employee type and pay schedule (21 or 26 times per year).
5. Date and sign the card.
6. To designate your gift, check the appropriate box and specify your designation, for example, SCHOLARSHIPS, COOK LIBRARY, TIGER ATHLETIC FUND, or YOUR DEPARTMENT.
7. Specify if you would like your gift to be in honor or in memory of someone. If so, indicate his or her name.
8. Specify if you would like this to be a joint gift with your spouse. If so, indicate his or her name.
9. Complete payment method for one time contributions (cannot be payroll deducted).
10. Update your address and employment information.
11. Mail your gift card to the Development Office through interoffice mail.

Gifts from faculty and staff cannot be deposited into accounts under their control; i.e., program directors may not contribute to the funds they administer. IRS regulations state that if a person retains control of his or her gift, it is not a tax-deductible contribution.

For contributions made through payroll deduction, the Internal Revenue Service will accept a copy of your final pay stub for your tax deduction. Should you wish to receive monthly receipts, you may call the Development Office to request them.

Contribution calculation charts, to assist in determing how much you wish to have deducted per pay period, can be found at {http://www.towson.edu/development/how_to_contribute.htm}.
