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Once Upon a Time, your department won a poster contest

Don’t let the department on the next floor outshine your Tiger Pride! You know your department can create the best Homecoming 2005 poster — so contact Angie Brickhouse at 410-704-2234 or abrickhouse@towson.edu and let her know that your office wants to participate.

You’ll get poster board and markers, but feel free to add your own creative touches. The poster must include our Homecoming theme — Once Upon a Time. Skip the inappropriate language on your poster but highlight a positive image of Towson University. The winning office will receive a bagel and coffee breakfast. Please have a representative bring the poster to the Spirit Day Ice Cream Social at PAWS on Tuesday, September 27 from 4-5p.m. for the judging. If you cannot get the poster there, please let Angie know and she will arrange for it to be picked up. Please remember that university funds cannot be used to purchase decorating materials. For more information on all homecoming activities, visit {www.towson.edu/homecoming}.

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