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Do you have an adorable child, grandchild, niece or nephew?

The Office of Development is looking for children to appear in their upcoming mail pieces that will be used for the Towson Fund campaign this spring.

We are hoping that you have an adorable child, grandchild, niece or nephew who could be photographed by our very own Kanji Takeno. The photographs would include using a variety of prompts (tie, briefcase, calculator, chalkboard, etc.). No compensation is available; however, each child who participates will receive the disk of their pictures.

The following are requirements for eligibility:

? Parents/guardians are required to sign a release form before pictures are taken.
? The child must be between the ages of 7 months and 16 months of age.
? She/he must be able to attend a 30-minute photo shoot from 9 a.m.-noon (individual times will be scheduled within those hours for pictures) on either November 28, 29 or 30 of this year.
? Submit a recent photo of the child to the Office of Development, c/o Towson Fund before November 21, 2006. Please include your e-mail address as well as parent/guardian contact information, name of the child and age. Selection of the children will take place on November 22 and appointments will be scheduled immediately for the days and time listed above.

If you have any questions please call the Development Office at x4-3375 or e-mail {towsonfund@towson.edu}.