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2010-2011 Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Call for RFPs

The Department of Civic Engagement is now accepting RFPs for the 2010 ? 2011 Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Program. The purpose of the Service-Learning Faculty Fellows program is to provide support for TU faculty who are interested in creating a new service-learning course or incorporating a new, significant service-learning component into an existing course. The Faculty Fellows program runs fall and spring terms. Faculty new to and experienced with service-learning are encouraged to apply for courses to take place Fall 2010, Spring 2011 or Summer 2011. Selected Faculty Fellows will be awarded a $1,000 stipend. The deadline for all proposals is Monday, April 26, 2010.

Please visit the Department of Civic Engagement?s website for more information about the Faculty Fellows Program, the proposal guidelines, and other information about service-learning at Towson University by following the link:


Please do not hesitate to contact Kate Faris via email {Kfaris@towson.edu} with questions.