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January Conference-Scholarship and the Metropolitan University: What does it mean?

January 12,2005 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
University Union-Chesapeake Rooms

As follow-up to our tactical plans for workload allocation, within the strategic vision of ?Towson 2010: Mapping the Future,? the January conference will focus on evaluation of faculty performance in the area of scholarship and research. But almost by necessity, all three areas of teaching, research/scholarship, and service will be implicated. The particular lens for this exercise will focus on institutional infrastructure necessary to foster faculty growth and success in each of the areas, but especially scholarship and research. What are the ?tools? that faculty need to support their interests in each of the three areas of performance evaluation?


8:00 ? 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast

8:30 ? 9:00 a.m. Welcome and Opening Remarks ? Areas for Major Consideration by the Academy for the Near and Mid-Term (Provost Brennan)


1. Annual workload agreements: short- and long-term career planning of tenure track career paths as well as post-tenure review.
2. Merit and the equity of work distributed among Teaching, Scholarship, and Service.
3. Flexible Workload and Towson University?s strategic agenda.

9:00-10:00 a.m. Keynote: Scholarship and the Metropolitan University.
Dr. Robert Taylor
Dean Emeritus
Professor of Management
College of Business & Public Administration
University of Louisville

10:00?10:15 a.m. Break

10:15?11:30 a.m. Break Out Sessions. The central purpose of these groups will be to use a flexible workload ?worksheet? to develop plans for evaluation of workload productivity in the metropolitan university, particularly as it relates to modes for effective extension and partnering. The groups will consider assessment and evaluation of these modes. The deans will lead/facilitate appropriate groups.

Group I The Fine and Performing Arts
Group II Health Care
Group III Education
Group IV Business
Group V Science and Technology
Group VI Liberal Arts and Humanities
Group VII The Social Sciences
Group VIII Research and funding: Contracts vs. grants

11:30?11:45 a.m. Break

Noon?12:45 p.m. Report Out and Discussion of Proposals from Groups

1:00?2:30 p.m. Lunch and Remarks
Dr. Jennifer Ballengee
Department of English

2:30 p.m. Wrap-up and Where We Go From Here (Provost Brennan)

Please RSVP to Donna Guillott {dguillott@towson.edu} by Wednesday, January 5 if you plan to attend the conference. Thank you.

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