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Towson Academy of Scholars Accepting Applications for Academic Year 2007-08

The Towson Academy of Scholars is pleased to announce that we will be accepting applications for the academic year 2007-2008. All full time faculty up to the rank of Assistant Professor or Librarian I and II who have been at Towson three years or less are eligible to apply. The purpose of the Academy is to gather senior-mentors with junior faculty in a seminar setting that will give the latter an opportunity to share their research projects, reflective thinking essays, or portions of their dissertations under revision. The research, thought-analyses, or revisions will be undertaken during the year preceding presentation with support provided by the Towson Academy of Scholars.

A committee of senior faculty members will oversee this initiative, and will serve as a review panel to select participating scholars. Applications may be blind reviewed by external reviewers. The committee will select three scholars from applications submitted across the university community in the spring. For the academic year 2007-2008, junior scholars will receive $1,000 in cash from the university, two hundred dollars in books from Houghton Mifflin Publishers, and the use of a library carrel.

In the spring of 2008, at a date to be arranged by the committee, each of the junior scholars selected will present his or her seminar paper in the Towson Room, Cook Library. In consultation with the scholars, the committee will arrange for one or two authorities in their fields to serve as discussants.

Faculty members who are selected to be Towson Scholars will be encouraged to invite their students to their presentations. Seminars are open to the university community, and junior faculty will be required to make their papers available upon request.

While papers, essays, and/or chapters may reflect the academic discourse of their discipline, the oral presentations must communicate broadly to the university community.

Closing date for applications is March 28, 2007

Applications may be obtained on-line at the Office of University Research Services Web site, {http://www.towson.edu/ours}. Completed applications should be submitted to the Office of University Research Services, 7800 York Road, Room 225, by 5:00 pm March 28. Emailed applications will be accepted and should be submitted to mhealy@towson.edu.

Committee for the Towson Academy of Scholars
Patricia W. Romero, College of Liberal Arts and Chair
Deborah Nolan, Library
Sharon Buchbinder, College of Health Professions
Brian Masters, Fisher College of Science and Mathematics
Debi Gartland, College of Education
Mary Louise Healy, Office of University Research Services
Peter Lev, College of Fine Arts and Communication
Dong Yao, College of Business and Economics