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January Conference on General Education

Please confirm your attendance with Jayne French, Provost’s Office.
University Union 3rd Floor

General Education: Connecting Curriculum, Co-Curriculum, General Education, and the Majors through Planning, Analysis, Process, and Implementation

Continental Breakfast 8:30 ? 9:00
Introduction and Opening Remarks?Dr. Brennan, and Dr. Caret 9:00 – 9:30
Co-Curricular Learning ? Dr. Moriarty 9:30 ? 10:30
Break 10:30 ? 10:45
Break-out Sessions 10:45 ? 12:15
Keynote Speaker 12:30 ? 2:00 Dr. Louis Menand Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of English and American Literature and Language
Harvard University

Lunch will begin at 12:30. Dr. Menand will begin speaking at 1:00

Break 2:00 ? 2:15
Group Discussion and Recommendations 2:15 ? 3:00
Closing Remarks 3:00 ? 3:30

The annual January Conference will be held in the University Union on Wednesday, January 10th from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. This year, the conference will focus on general education. Opening remarks will introduce the themes for the day and break-out sessions will allow participants to discuss the many issues and ideas that inform general education at Towson University. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Louis Menand, the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of English and American Literature and Language at Harvard and co-chair of Harvard’s General Education Task Force . Dr. Menand is a distinguished scholar known for academic research as well as for essays and reviews in such publications as The New Yorker and the New York Review of Books. He is also the author of “The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America” (2001), a best seller that won both the Francis Parkman Prize from the Association of American Historians and the Pulitzer Prize for History. The conference will conclude with the opportunity to hear findings from the break-out sessions and to contribute recommendations for the upcoming general education review process at Towson University. Please RSVP to Jayne French in the Provost’s Office to confirm your attendance.