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Economic Outlook Forum – November 15


November 15, 8:00–10:30 a.m ,  West Village Commons Ballrooms

Join the Regional Economic Studies Institute and business leaders from across the region for the 2018 Economic Outlook Forum. Enjoy breakfast and networking before RESI Chief Economist Dr. Daraius Irani provides the annual economic forecast for our state, followed by Q&A.

The Outlook Presentation
The U.S. economy is doing well. Maryland’s economy is doing well. However, economic and social disparities remain. Following the contentious midterm elections, Dr. Irani’s economic outlook presentation will be an in-depth look at the state of our economy and how current economic and political forces impact our region.

About Daraius Irani, PhD
Dr. Irani serves as vice president of Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research at  Towson University. In this role, he fosters the development of partnerships between business, government, and education that contribute to the economic vitality of the greater Baltimore region. Additionally, Irani serves as chief economist of the Regional Economic Studies Institute (RESI) at Towson University, a policy group providing economic, fiscal impact, and policy analysis to state agencies, nonprofit organizations, and private sector firms. Irani has managed and served as lead economist on well over 250 research and analysis projects. He also has produced over 100 economic and fiscal impact statements for a diverse portfolio of clients.

The Economic Outlook Forum is offered at no cost. Breakfast and parking are provided.
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