TU home | T3 | Wednesday at Noon (9/12): Online Teaching Circle on Communication "Musts"

Wednesday at Noon (9/12): Online Teaching Circle on Communication “Musts”

Online Teaching Circle: Communication “Musts” Online
Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 12 – 1:30 p.m.

  • Cook Library, Room 404B
  • Online via WebEx (Session password: oai1)
  • Call in 408-792-6300 or 877-668-4490 (Toll-free) (Access Code 797 504 751)

All faculty are welcome to our learning community around online and blended instruction. This meeting will be focused on Communication “Musts” Online and will include two brief presentations from faculty colleagues and plenty of time for Q&As.

Register to attend. (Drop-ins are also welcome.)

Featured Presenters

Picture of Dr. Liyan Song, Professor, Educational Technology & Literacy


Dr. Liyan Song
Educational Technology & Literacy



Picture of Dr. Carrie McFadden, Assistant Professor, Health Sciences & Gold Review Participant


Dr. Carrie McFadden
Assistant Professor
Health Sciences & Gold Review Participant



Optional Pre-Workshop Resources: This session draws partly from a Magna Publications 20-Minute Mentor video of the same title you can view at any time. Please request access from OAI and you will receive an email with access instructions.