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RSVP for TED Talks – BIPE Panel: Interactive Discussions about Body Image and Body Positivity in Today’s Society

TED talks bring together brilliant minds to discuss interesting topics. Join the Body Image Peer Educators as we watch 3-4 TED talks that focus on body image and body positivity, then lead a fun, interactive discussion with audience members. Get inspired and broaden your perspective. Join us on Thursday, March 1, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm in the Potomac Lounge.

RSVP to kkaur3@students.towson.edu for a reminder email the day of the event.

This event is part of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. To learn about our other events this week, email kkaur3@students.towson.edu and follow us on social media.

Twitter/Instagram/Facebook: @bodyimagetu