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Warm up thefts

During the cold winter months, drivers may be tempted to warm up their cars and stay inside of their residence. But cars being left unlocked and unattended are easy targets for thieves. Follow the tips below to avoid becoming a victim of a warm-up crime:

  • Never leave your car running unattended with the keys in the ignition, even just for a minute. Vehicles are commonly stolen from outside of residences, at gas stations and convenience stores. Maryland Transportation Article 21-1101(a) states – a person driving or otherwise in charge of a motor vehicle may not leave it unattended until the engine is stopped, the ignition locked, the key removed, and the brake effectively set. Legally you can leave your car warming up on your “private property” (drive-way) for 5 minutes, however it must be started with a remote start. 
  • Keep all valuables inside your vehicle out of sight or in the trunk. Purses, cell phones, shopping bags only attract thieves.
  • Never leave your registration or title in your vehicle. If your vehicle is stolen, those documents make it easier for thieves to dispose of your vehicle and can put you at risk of identity theft. Instead, keep the registration in your wallet and the title in a safe, lockbox or other secure location in your home.
  • Be alert when approaching your vehicle. Check your surroundings and have your keys ready and in your hands when approaching vehicle.

If you see someone breaking into a vehicle, do not intervene. Please contact 911 or the Towson University Police Department at 410-704-4444.

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