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Multiculturalism in Action Brown Bag Series

Wednesday, February 7, 12:00 to 1:15pm, College of Liberal Arts building, room 3150

“Generational Poverty, Relative Deprivation and Determinants of Health in Sandtown-Winchester: The Community Where Freddie Gray Jr. Lived and Prematurely Died “

Dr. Sharon D. Jones-Eversley, Department of Family Studies and Community Development

Residents of Sandtown-Winchester have some of the worse health well-being in Baltimore City and Maryland. Through the lens of generational poverty, relative deprivation and determinants of health, the presentation will explore the chronic communal health and socially disabling well-being conditions in Sandtown-Winchester. Using the Multigenerational Internationality to Communal Health conceptual framework, multigenerations of communal health in Sandtown-Winchester will be examined. In addition, the ethical and social justice implications of communal health of Sandtown-Winchester post the April 2015 premature death of Freddie Gray Jr. will be discussed as well.

This event is sponsored by the Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity and is open to all faculty, staff, and students. Light refreshments will be provided.

For additional information, contact Dr. Danice Brown at dlbrown@towson.edu.