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Want 4 Extra Graduation Tickets? Complete the First Destination Survey Today!

Seniors graduating in December 2017, log in to Handshake to complete the brief First Destination Survey about your post-graduation plans. Students who complete the survey by 11:59 p.m. on December 18, 2017 will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win four extra graduation tickets and a $100 Amazon gift card!

Your feedback will help the Career Center in its efforts to enhance its services for Towson University students and alumni. The survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete and individuals’ responses will be kept confidential.

Unsure about your post-graduation plans? No problem, we still want to hear from you!

For more information, contact the Career Center by calling 410-704-2233 or visiting www.towson.edu/careercenter.