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Volunteer at the Human Library program!

“Human Books” challenge stereotypes through respectful conversation with others. During the Human Library, volunteers from our campus community act as books. Titles of all Human Library books relate to one or more aspects of the volunteer’s identity; usually, an identity that has faced bias or discrimination. Human Books are checked out by patrons for a short conversation. During these 15-30 minute conversations, we hope to challenge societal prejudices and bring a better understanding of community to everyone involved.

To volunteer (as a book or facilitator) please use this form: http://bit.ly/tuhumanlibrary

If you’re interested in sending your class as part of an assignment or encouraging your students to participate as books for extra credit, please contact Laksamee Putnam (lputnam@towson.edu). Mahnoor Ahmed (mahmed@towson.edu), or Sarah Gilchrist (sgilchrist@towson.edu) for more information.

This event will take place in the University Union, Potomac Lounge on October 3rd – 5th, 12 – 4pm.

This program is sponsored by the Albert S. Cook Library and the Center for Student Diversity. For questions, email diversityworks@towson.edu.