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Get to know your future students’ generation

The College of Business & Economics presents 

When Generations Connect: Communicating with Gen Edge

March 30, 6-8 p.m.
Minnegan Room, Unitas Stadium
FREE & Open to the public



Four distinct generations are working together shoulder to shoulder, each with a unique set of attitudes, values and work styles. The newest cohort, Gen Edge (aka Gen Z), is entering higher education and will soon join the workforce. What shapes their outlooks and behaviors? What are their characteristics? What should universities and companies expect?

This free and fun program will give an overview of Gen Edge and how they fit into the inter-generational dynamic of workplaces and educational environments.


  • Explain who the generations are in today’s workplace and educational environment.
  • Get a glimpse of the Gen Edge mindset. What shapes their outlooks and behaviors?
  • Learn strategies for effectively communicating with the up-and-coming Gen Edge student, who sends more than 100 text messages per day.
  • Learn approaches for communicating across generational divides.


6 p.m. Networking and Refreshments
6:30 p.m. Program begins


Phil Gwoke, Generational Expert & Consultant, BridgeWorks

An internationally recognized speaker, Phil has shared his wisdom and inspired audiences in 40 different states and four continents to over 100,000 people. Before becoming a speaker he pursued his passion to help people be their best selves as a high school teacher, college admissions professional, marketing coordinator, corporate trainer and even small business owner.

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