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Study abroad in Peru for $500 this summer!

It Isn’t Easy Being Green: Environmental Sustainability in a Transnational Context, U.S. and Peru

Learn about environmental sustainability through a unique lens with Towson University in summer 2017. This seven-week program combines online, classroom, and service-learning activities that will allow participants to improve their language skills while exploring environmental issues of global importance in a cross-cultural and multilingual context. 10 students from Towson University and 10 students from the Universidad de Piura will spend time on the TU campus and the UDEP campus in Peru studying, researching, and working together to complete projects focusing on environmental issues affecting each of their local communities. Participants will earn LAST 484 Special Topics in Latin American Studies (3 credits). Funded by the 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund, this program is being offered at minimal cost to participants.

Students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5, a high school diploma or equivalent experience, and be at least 18 years old. Prerequisites: SPAN 202 or consent of instructor. Students typically underrepresented in study abroad (including but not limited to first generation college students, minority students, veterans, low-income students, students with disabilities, LGBTQ+ students, returning learners, and student athletes) are strongly encouraged to apply.

Admission to this program is competitive. All applications will be reviewed after the March 15th deadline. Students will be notified by April 1 if they have been selected to participate.

For more information and to apply visit the program page or contact the TU Study Abroad Office at studyabroad@towson.edu or Dr. Colleen Ebacher at cebacher@towson.edu.


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