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Winter break shut down instructions

Do your part to help reduce energy consumption during winter break:

SHUT DOWN all PC computers, monitors and printers. If you plan to use Remote Desktop over the break, you will need to leave your PC on and change the setting for “Put the computer to sleep” to NEVER, under Power Options in Control Panel.

UNPLUG cell phone chargers, coffee makers, TVs, stereos and other electrical devices from the wall.  Plugged in devices use power even when they are not turned on.

Turn off the lights.

Turn the thermostat down to its lowest heat setting.

Lock doors and windows.

Take out the trash.


We will follow our usual practice of significantly reducing indoor building temperatures wherever possible during the break. Exceptions have been made for certain facilities, for example, animal care facilities, the TUPD, and buildings in which scheduled events will take place.

Thank you for conserving energy. For more information, go to towson.edu/sustainability.
