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Lecture on Current Chinese Cinema: New Genres, New Directors, and New Developments

Monday, October 17, 7:00 to 9:00pm, College of Liberal Arts building, room LA 4310

Dr. Wang Haizhou, Professor of Film Studies and Dean of Libraries at Beijing Film Academy, presents a lecture on “Current Chinese Cinema: New Genres, New Directors, and New Developments.” Dr. Haizhou is a proliferative screenwriter and film director, a core member of the CCTV Film Channel and Beijing Film Censorship Committee. In the last decade, Chinese directors have produced romantic comedy and action movies, which were rewarded with positive box office results. With the help of digital technology, they also began to produce disaster, fantasy, and suspense films. At the same time, new sub-genres have brought about a reorganization of the film market and a new generation of Chinese directors.

For more information, contact Eric Vooys in the Department of Foreign Languages at evooys@towson.edu.