TU home | T3 | Brand Mark Mastery: Think you don’t benefit from using the TU brand mark? Think again...

Brand Mark Mastery: Think you don’t benefit from using the TU brand mark? Think again…

“The Towson brand mark doesn’t really work for me — my group needs something different.”

  • The brand mark brings strength to your organization because of the myriad impressions that it generates. For example:
    • An Admissions brochure might draw upon previous impressions when it was used by a great arts performance;
    • The Center for Professional Studies can leverage the visibility of the mark being used on TU shuttle buses;
    • Development can count on the bran mark to remind alumni of their college experience, which helps them raise money.
  • This synergy is only possible when everyone uses the brand mark.

The university requires all units to use the brand mark consistently so that the mark builds strength and serves everyone well. Familiarize yourself with the brand mark standards, and keep checking T3 for periodic ‘Brand Mark Mastery’ tips throughout the year.