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Sign up for TU’s rendition of Shark Tank

The Tiger Cage 2016
Oct. 25 & 27

The Tiger Cage is a Shark Tank style business pitch competition event for young entrepreneurs on campus to pitch their ideas in front of the real world CEOs and founders and compete for a valuable prize package from the TU Incubator and Student Launch Pad. This is not only an opportunity to network but also a great platform to either promote existing business plans or seek resources to put ideas into action.

To  register to compete, email  thetigercage15@gmail.com.

You will receive a link and a document of rules and regulations.

Competition Dates

The Tiger Cage has two rounds:


October 25, 5 – 7 p.m.
Liberal Arts Building, Room 5303

Open only to participants


October 27, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Potomac Lounge, University Union

Open to all campus!

Competition Details


Round One

  1. Registered participants will pitch their business ideas in front of the judges from TU.
  2. The pitches should be no longer than two minutes.
  3. Only one person from a team can pitch in round one.
  4. Six finalists will be selected to present with their teams in the Grand Finale.
  5. You may pitch more than one idea – please indicate if you plan to do more than one pitch when you register.
  6. When you register, you must briefly state the business idea. Ideas that would promote an illegal business or that are offensive may be disqualified.
  7. Register at: email thetigercage15@gmail.com. You will receive a link and a document of rules and regulations.

Grand Finale

  1. Featuring the six finalists pitching their business ideas to CEOs of StartUps:  Philip DiMuro, CEO of Loople,Burck Smith, CEO of StraighterLine, and Dr. Jan Baum, Founder of Object Lab
  2. Each finalist will be allotted five minutes to pitch and five minutes for judges’ Q&A. Honorable mentions will be announced during the event, highlighting some of the innovative student ideas in round 1 of the competition.
  3. The event will be recorded for promotional and broadcasting purposes. Participants can request their pitch footage.

Winning Prize

  • $100 Gift Card
  • The Tiger Trophy
  • Prize Package from Student Launch Pad, www.tulaunchpad.com, and TU Incubator, www.tuincubator.com, includes premium advising, access to mentor network, and access to collaborative workspace.

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