TU home | T3 | Comedy Night with Ernie G

Comedy Night with Ernie G

Empowerment Comedy Night (90 minute performance)

Tonight at 6:00pm in the University Union Chesapeake I

The performance is not only entertaining, but powerful and covers these basic topics:

  •   Own Your Power!! “You are a Beautiful, Powerful, and Educated Person!”
  •   Love and Embrace every piece of who you are, including the “Ghetto” or Survivor within!
  •   Being from the “El Barrio” is something to be PROUD of, not ashamed of!
  •   Despite whatever challenges you’ve been through, you can Achieve Greatness!
  •   “If it is to Be, it is Up to Me!!”  Taking Personal Responsibility for our Lives.
  •   Honoring Our Parents, they ARE the REASON we “get to be” who we are today!!
  •   Taking Pride in our neighborhoods, our barrios, our schools, our community!
  •   I share a very personal, yet Inspirational story of getting kicked out of college, becoming a drop-out, another “Latino Statistic” and having overcome that to return to LMU to graduate!
  •   Ultimately, you must “Let Your Light Shine! “Below is the format for the T3: Lunch and Learn with Ernie G- El Latino Comedian