TU home | T3 | Performance by Jennif(f)er Tamayo on Monday, September 26

Performance by Jennif(f)er Tamayo on Monday, September 26

Monday, September 26, 6:00pm in the College of Liberal Arts building, room 4110

Come hear Jennif(f)er Tamayo read short selections from her books, RED MISSED ACHES READ MISSED ACHES RED MISTAKES READ MISTAKES and YOU DA ONE, and perform several of her performance-protest poems from her current project, DORA/ANA/GUATAVIT@ – a science-fiction performance text set in a dystopian future. The text reimagines the children’s cartoon character, Dora the Explorer, as La Dora/da, a descendant of the mythological character, El Dorado, or the “gold one” in search for lost lineages. In this radically hopeful, participatory “hybrid” text (including audio, play, drama and movement), poet-performer Jennif(f)er Tamayo examines what it means to decolonize our process for (self) discovery and surfacing the lost voices within us.

Jennif(f)er Tamayo is a queer, latinx, formerly undocumented Colombian-born educator and artist. JT is the author of RED MISSED ACHES READ MISSED ACHES RED MISTAKES READ MISTAKES (Switchback, 2011), POEMS ARE THE ONLY REAL BODIES (Bloof Books, 2013), and YOU DA ONE (2014/16 reprint Noemi Books & Letras Latinas). Her work has been featured in Poetry, Best American Experimental Poetry, and Angels of the Americlypse: An Anthology of New Latin@ Writing. She is a CantoMundo Fellow and a Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics Emergenyc Fellow.

For more information, contact Nicole Fabricant in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice at nfabricant@towson.edu.