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Retreat for Social Justice

Apply now for the Retreat for Social Justice 2016! The Retreat for Social Justice is an annual weekend retreat sponsored by the Center for Student Diversity. This retreat gives students an opportunity to explore their cultural identities and interact with people from diverse backgrounds. The weekend is full of fun, interactive, and enlightening activities that help participants:

  • Explore and understand their identities influence their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors
  • Create dialogue and conversations with their peers from different backgrounds, perspectives and experiences
  • Learn ways they can interrupt prejudice and advocate for social equity and justice
  • Develop ways to create an inclusive and welcoming environment on campus and in their communities

There is no cost to the students who are chosen to participate, but spaces are limited. Applications are due on October 7th. The retreat will be held on Friday November 4th-Sunday November 6th.

Apply Here:
