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Today’s OTS Tech Table: Walk-up support for technology that you use at work!

Confused about conference calls and desk phone features? Unsure how to use Office 365? Stumped by syncing email & calendars on a mobile device?

The OTS Tech Table offers quick walk-up help with technology services supported by the Office of Technology Services (OTS). Stop by the OTS Tech Table today between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. in the Administration Building, 1st floor Lobby, for assistance with our featured topics or any of our services.

     Date:  Tuesday, July 19
     Time: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
     Location: Administration Building, 1st floor Lobby
     Today’s Topics: Technology for staff working at TU – Desk Phones, Office 365, Mobile Device Configuration

Bring your technology questions, mobile devices and laptops that you use for working at TU —we’re ready to help!

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