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All new TU computers will have Windows 10

Effective immediately, new TU computers will have Microsoft Windows 10, the newest version of Windows. Windows 10 offers better performance and functionality plus incorporates new security features to protect your information, and the university as a whole. Currently, the campus primarily uses Windows 7, with a few people using Windows 8 (Microsoft never made Windows 9). No action is needed, as existing computers will continue to use Windows 7 for the rest of their lifespan. For more information, see the Windows 10 FAQs (PDF).

In addition to the new Windows operating system, new computers will also feature Office 2016. This replaces Office 2013, the current campus Windows standard. It looks a lot like Office 2013 and menu items haven’t moved or changed, so adapting to Office 2016 will be easy. The Office of Technology Services (OTS) will communicate to the campus in a T3 announcement when Office 2016 is available for TU computers running Windows 7.

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