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Benefits Bulletin: State of Maryland Benefits – Disease Management Outreach Calls

Answer the phone…for your health.

The phone is ringing.  Caller ID says it’s your health insurance company calling.  What do they want?  Pick up the phone to find out because this is one call you don’t want to miss!

This call might change your life.

Searching for information on your treatment options can be time-consuming and confusing.  To help, your health insurance company may call you if you have diabetes, coronary artery disease, COPD, or Atrial Fibrillation to connect you with disease management program resources that support your health. Topics include education on conditions, self-management, medication, appointments, and lifestyle behaviors.  They may call after you return home from an inpatient stay to assure that you are doing well.  They may call simply to check in to see if you are getting timely care.

You are not required to participate in these Disease Management Outreach Calls, but if you do, you will experience these benefits:

  • You’ll learn about resources you may not know you have as part of your medical benefits.
  • You’ll get better treatment results.
  • You’ll experience a quicker recovery so that you feel better sooner.
  • You’ll understand your medication and medical equipment better.
  • You’ll have someone to talk to confidentially, someone who will support you in your health and wellness.

So, go ahead and answer the phone–its important information just for you!
