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Upcoming Change to Bursar’s Rebates & Refunds

Beginning July 1, the university will join with Higher One for processing the Bursar’s Office rebate and refund payments. Payments will still be coordinated through the Disbursement Online Center (DOC), and students will still have similar options for receiving rebates/refunds, including direct deposit to any bank account, a mailed paper check, or a debit card. However, instead of going to a PNC Bank selection page to finalize your payment, you will now go to a Higher One selection page. You will be directed to create an account on the Higher One page and then sign in to give your preferences before finalizing your payment selection type.

This change will affect all students, even those who enrolled in DOC previously, so everyone expecting a rebate or refund will need to sign up with Higher One once the enrollment period opens. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes–the switch was necessary as PNC Bank has discontinued their rebate processing services.

The Higher One enrollment period will begin July 1 and will affect the fall 2016 term and beyond. The Bursar’s Office and Higher One will send additional information and instructions to you via email and your permanent address. For any questions, contact the Bursar’s Office at 410-704-2100.
