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Seeking Award Nominations for Faculty, Staff and Alumni

The Towson University Alumni Association is seeking nominations for its annual Volunteer Recognition Awards.  Please take a minute to nominate an outstanding alumna/us, faculty or staff member.  The award descriptions are as follows:

Spirit of the University Award – honors a TU graduate or non-graduate who has directly influenced and touched Towson University alumni, students and the university community.  This is our most prestigious volunteer award.

 Alumni Association Volunteer Service Award – honors an Alumni Association board member who provides special service to the Alumni Association.

 Faculty and Staff Alumni Volunteer Service Award – honors one faculty and one staff member who work diligently toward the alumni effort and provide exemplary service to the university community in general.

 University Alumni Volunteer Service Award – recognizes a graduate who volunteers time, talent or resources to the university and its community.

 Athletic Alumni Volunteer Service Award – This award honors a person who has worked diligently toward the cultivation of alumni through athletic events, athletic programs, and/or the promotion and recognition of our athletic teams.

Please complete the nomination form online at www.tutigertracks.com/volunteernomination.

Nominations are due by June 30th.

For further information, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 410-704-2234 or alumni@towson.edu.

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