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Come Learn About Your Top 5 Strengths

Towson University has collaborated with Gallup to provide TU students an opportunity to learn about their strengths and how they can enhance their personal and academic aspirations.
For starters, you’ll receive a code allowing you to take an online psychological assessment that identifies your top five talent themes.  Then, you’ll attend a workshop to process the results and learn how to nurture your talents.
What:  StrengthsQuest Talent ID workshop
When:  Tuesday March 8 at 11:00AM
Where:  University Union 305
You must register here: http://conta.cc/1OLHf9e
Developing as a leader might be one of the most significant and important opportunities you will have as a student. Chances are, at some point in your life, you will have the opportunity to lead; in fact, you may already have served as a leader several times. This workshop will provide you with the process that allows you to be intentional in how you use your talents.