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Benefits Bulletin: Faculty & Staff Planning to Retire in 2016

If you are a member of the Maryland State Retirement & Pension System (MSRPS) and are planning to retire this year, please submit an estimate of service retirement allowance to the MSRPS at least three months prior to your effective date of retirement. The estimate of service retirement allowance provides the various retirement payment options available to you and is a great tool to help you chose the most appropriate payment option for you and your family.

If you are a member of the Teachers and Employees System, use Form 9 to request an estimate. If you are a member of the Law Enforcement Officers System, use Form 97 to request an estimate. Retirement from the MSRPS is always effective the first of the month. A wealth of information about retirement is on the MSRPS website – including pamphlets, videos, and calculators.

Obtaining the estimate is one of the first steps in planning your retirement. Once you receive it, contact the Office of Human Resources-Benefits unit (preferably 30 – 60 days prior to your effective date of retirement) to schedule an appointment with a benefits specialist. The benefits specialist will answer your questions about your estimate and review the application for retirement and other documents you must submit to help you make a smooth transition from active employment to retirement.