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Beware of Potential Employment Scam!

TUPD has been made aware of an Advance Fee Fraud Scheme in which college students across the U.S. have been targeted.  Here are the details:

The students/victims answer an employment opportunity job posting on the University website. They send the employer a resume, including personal identifying information. In at least one case a student/victim was sent a business check for $3,800. She deposited the check and withdrew $3,300 and deposited it into another account for supplies and merchandise. The check was later found to be forged (stolen routing and account number).

Subsequent investigation found the suspect(s) are posting job listings on a number of University and College job boards around the U.S.

The current scheme appears to be just starting in that the job postings are within the last month.

They are offering employment with the following companies:


The phone numbers used for replies with all the colleges are:

  •    701-491-7202
  •    641-924-4533

The contact name varies but has predominantly been Jeremy McCrossin.

TUPD urges students, faculty and staff to use caution when any employer offers advanced fees for work yet to be performed.  At this time we are not aware of any Towson University students who have been impacted by this scheme.  We ask that you immediately contact TUPD if you are contacted by any of the above “companies”, persons or phone numbers.  Thank you.


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