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Come see the final round of TU’s Tiger Cage!

TU Tiger Cage (inspired by TV’s Shark Tank)

Finalists will pitch their business ideas to professional judges for a chance to win a prize package including mentoring and networking services from the TU Incubator and Student Launchpad.

Come find out who will be the winner at this inaugural competition!



Susquehanna Terrace, University Union on Nov. 18, 5-7 p.m.

  • Featuring 6-7 student finalists pitching their business ideas.
  • Each finalist will be allotted 5 minutes to pitch and 5 minutes for judges’ Q&A. Honorable mentions will be announced during the event, highlighting some of the innovative student ideas in round 1 of the competition.
  • DJ, Matt GHolden, will be on hand spinning some of today’s greatest hits.
  • Allure Troupe, Chalak & In Him We Move Dance Groups will be performing during the judges deliberation

Winning Prize:

The Tiger Trophy & Prize Package presented at the Grand Finale.

First Place Winner Prize Package from Student Launch Pad, www.tulaunchpad.com, and TU Incubator, www.tuincubator.com, includes premium advising, access to mentor network, and access to collaborative workspace.


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