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The Career Center is Coming to You!

Stop by the CLA Cafe on the 4th floor of the College of Liberal Arts building Tuesday, November 3 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. for a resume critique, job search assistance, help with Hire@TU, or other quick questions. All students are welcome–College of Liberal Arts students are especially encouraged to drop in!

The Career Center is coming to the Center for Student Diversity today as well! Stop by room 313 in the University Union for individual assistance with resumes, cover letters, job searches, preparing for career fairs, identifying career mentors, help with Hire@TU, or other career questions.

All students are welcome–students accessing the CSD resources are especially encouraged to drop in!

For more information, contact the Career Center by calling 410-704-2233 or visiting www.towson.edu/careercenter.