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Critical Language Scholarship Info Session

Calling all global citizens!

Join us to learn more about the Critical Language Scholarship!

When: Thursday, November 5th from 3:30-4:30pm

Where: Psychology Building Room #407

Do you love to travel? Do you love learning languages? Do you really love free things?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, listen up! We’ve got some information you need to hear.

The Critical Language Scholarship Program is now accepting applications for its summer 2016 programs! What is CLS, you ask? It’s a great way for you to go out and explore the world. The CLS offers students a chance to learn a new language while spending their summer abroad. The eight to ten week programs cover the equivalent of a full academic year of college-level language study in fourteen critical languages,  and – here’s the really good part – they are all fully funded!

So who’s eligible? Applicants to the program must be U.S. citizens and currently enrolled in a U.S. degree-granting program, either undergraduate or graduate. Students must also have completed a least one-full year of college before the summer program begins. That means even all you first year students are eligible to apply! To any seniors thinking they cannot apply because they graduate before the summer term, don’t worry! As long as you are a full-time student when you apply, you are still eligible to go after graduation. There are no degree restrictions, so no matter what your major, you are both able and encouraged to apply!

At the meeting you’ll be able to meet with a CLS alum, and representatives from Foreign Languages, the Study Abroad Office, and the Honors College! Between the three of us, we’ll make sure you go home with all your questions answered.

For more information, contact Towson Abroad at 410-704-2451 or studyabroad@towson.edu.
