TU home | T3 | DO IT IN THE DARK! The Energy Conservation Contest in Residence Halls Starts Sunday!

DO IT IN THE DARK! The Energy Conservation Contest in Residence Halls Starts Sunday!

From Oct 18th to Oct 31st (Halloween!), each residence hall will be competing to reduce their energy consumption. Check the energy dashboard online to see how your residence hall shapes up against the competition!

Turn off lights, use daylight when possible! Unplug chargers and appliances when not in use (stop vampire energy!). Take shorter showers, use less hot water. Turn down your heat when you leave your room. Take the stairs instead of the elevator! All these and more can help you win!

Talk to your building council about planning an event in your residence hall!

For more info please contact Daniela Beall, Graduate Assistant for Environmental Initiatives, dbeall1@students.towson.edu