Stress is a natural part of life. In small doses, it’s a good thing, as it energizes and motivates us to deal with challenges. However, prolonged and excessive stress is a bad thing and negatively impacts both our psychological and physical health. Here are healthy ways we can manage stress:
- Eat a healthy diet! Too much sugar and alcohol increases stress hormones which only makes it worse. A well-balanced diet, with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, high quality protein, and low in fat and sodium will help prevent disease and give us the energy to deal with stress.
- Exercise! Just thinking about exercise can seem to be too much when we’re stressed, but the truth is that exercise in any form will trigger endorphins (feel-good hormones) and decrease stress hormones.
- Ask for help! None of us can do it all alone. Ask friends, family and co-workers to help when you’re overloaded.
- Relax! This is easier said than done, but here is a simple calming technique we can do anywhere, anytime: breathe in and on the exhalation, say one of the following (aloud or to silently) – “Relax” “Peace” and even “Ahhh”. Repeat several times and note the difference in the stress level.
- Take a stress management course. The state of Maryland health insurance providers offer effective online stress management courses. Visit the state of Maryland employee benefits website for links to the carriers’ sites.
As you know, the 2015 Wellness Plan healthy activities deadline has been extended to 12/31/15!
Participants now have an additional 90 days to complete the activities for 2015:
- Select a primary care physician (PCP)
- Complete the health risk assessment (HRA)
- Review the results of the HRA with your PCP
- Return the signed physician form to your medical plan
Once the activities are completed, PCP copays will be waived through 12/31/15 and you avoid the premium surcharge in 2016!
Visit the state of Maryland employee benefits website for links to the medical plan websites and tips for easy wellness completion.