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Towson Seminar Faculty Development Opportunity

Towson Seminar Faculty Development Fall Program
Monday, August 17th, 2015
Cook Library, room 507

The library is reviving it’s Towson Seminar Faculty Development offerings. We know how unique this important and foundational course is and the challenges that come along with it. We hope that our programming will bring together faculty across departments and the library to discuss what’s working and to bring ideas and discussion to the table. We hope you can join us!

Please sign up at http://tinyurl.com/TSEMF2015
**Sign up deadline, Monday, August 3rd**

9:30-9:45: Opening remarks

9:45-10:45: Scholarship is a Conversation and Other Things your Students Don’t Know! (Librarians Carissa Tomlinson & Sara Arnold-Garza)
“Why can’t my students do what seems so basic to me? I don’t understand why my students can’t write a basic research paper!” These common laments will be addressed by translating big picture ideas about research into practical learning experiences. Join us to learn why many students have difficulty with the research process and how classroom and librarian faculty can collaborate to help students overcome barriers to success.

10:45-11:45: Teaching Critical Thinking in the Towson Seminar (TSEM Faculty Rebecca Shargel & Lisa Twiss)
Teaching students to think critically is at the heart of many Towson Seminar courses. Critical thinking involves following reasons and evidence, questioning, and interpreting information. In this session we will emphasize teaching students to provide reasons and evidence for their research topics. To do so, we will look at practical strategies to use in your classes to promote critical reading of texts, particularly finding arguments, counterarguments, and evidence. We will practice these strategies with a sample text so that you can adapt these pedagogies to your own setting. We will also embed this process with a method of paired study that emphasizes collaboration amongst students.

11:45-1:00: Facilitated lunch discussions on requested TSEM topics (lunch provided!)
We will be seeking discussion topics and facilitators. See sign-up sheet for more information.

Please email me with questions or concerns.

Carissa Tomlinson- ctomlinson@towson.edu