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Benefits Bulletin: Wellness Reminders for Faculty & Staff Enrolled in TU Health Plans

As mentioned in Open Enrollment documents and subsequent communications, employees enrolled in TU health benefits are asked to participate in the state of Maryland Wellness Program which became effective January 1st. Additional information about the program expectations, instructions, participation rewards and penalties, and an upcoming wellness event are provided below to help you plan.

2015 Wellness Program Expectations

Faculty and staff and covered spouses enrolled in CareFirst, Kaiser Permanente, or United Healthcare plans must complete the following healthy activities by September 30, 2015 to avoid a premium surcharge in 2016:

  • Designate a primary care physician (PCP) for yourself & spouse (if applicable).
  • Complete a health risk assessment (HRA).  A HRA is a questionnaire that asks about your age, your diet, how much you exercise, and your alcohol and tobacco use, etc.
  • Meet with your PCP to discuss the HRA results, complete the physician verification form and submit it to your medical plan.

Instructions to help you Navigate the Process

You can call your plan or visit the plan website to designate a PCP.  You can also call your plan to request the HRA be mailed to you or you can complete it online.  If you complete the activities online, you must first create an account on your plan’s website.  Please see instructions and plan information below.

Rewards & Penalties

  • Reward – Once you complete the healthy activities by September 30, 2015, your PCP visits for the remainder of 2015 will be covered WITHOUT a copayment.
  • Penalty – If you do not complete the healthy activities by September 30, 2015, you will pay $50 more (or $2.08 more per pay) for medical insurance in 2016. This penalty applies individually to the employee and covered spouse.

Wellness Event

Joins us at the Wellness Event on Tuesday, May 19 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the University Union Potomac Lounge.  You will have the opportunity to meet with your medical plan representative on a walk-in basis to ask questions about the Wellness Program, get assistance creating an online account to access the HRA, and receive free blood pressure and glucose screenings.

For more information on the Wellness Program, stay tuned to T3, consult the 2015 Benefits Guide, visit the state’s Wellness Program website, view the Wellness Program FAQs, or contact the Office of Human Resources.
