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Faces of UDL – Spring 2015 Program







The Faces of UDL with Matt Berman

Diversity is the rule, not the exception in today’s classrooms.  The seats in our classrooms are filled with the faces of learners with unique backgrounds, abilities, and skills.  How can you address the needs of every learner in your classroom if the way they learn is as different as their DNA or fingerprint?  Join Matt Bergman as he shares their stories and his experiences infusing low-tech and high-tech UDL strategies into K-12 and higher education environments.

About Matt:  Matt Bergman works with students living in poverty at The Milton Hershey School (Hershey, PA).  He is a graduate instructor and course designer of several face-to-face and online courses, including Regional Training Center’s (PA, MD, and NJ) graduate course on Universal Design for Learning.  Matt recently worked with the Florida Department of Education to design a five-hour online training course on UDL for K-12 teachers in the state of Florida.  He is a member of CAST’s Professional Learning Cadre and shares his experiences utilizing the UDL framework while working with diverse populations.  Matt is passionate about sharing his knowledge of educational technology with educators around the globe through presentations and his Learn-Lead-Grow Blog (bergman-udl.blospot.com).


Session Information:

Date: Thursday, April 30, 2015

Time: 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Location: University Union, Chesapeake Rooms

Sponsored by:  Towson University Office of Academic Innovation, Towson University Office of the Presidential Scholar, Towson University Department of Special Education: Special Education Alumni Services


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