TU home | T3 | Attention: $1,000 Scholarship Opportunity for the Spring 2015 Semester for Freshman and Sophomore women students

Attention: $1,000 Scholarship Opportunity for the Spring 2015 Semester for Freshman and Sophomore women students

Are you a freshman or sophomore interested in developing your leadership skills? Are you interested in learning more about women’s issues and creating programming to educate and engage the college community about these topics? If YES, there may be a $1,000 scholarship available for you!

The Center for Student Diversity is offering this scholarship to Towson University women students that have an interest in developing leadership skills and giving back to the community. The Women’s Resources Award is designed to help women become leaders in their chosen professions. It is a retention program designed to help women students complete their academic goals and empower other women.

Completed scholarship applications must be received by Friday, April 3rd, 2015. Scholarship recipients are required to

  • Attend a one-day leadership retreat on Saturday, April 11th, from 9am-5pm
  • Volunteer for a 3-hour shift at the Women in Leadership Conference on Saturday, April 18th
  • Create a program during Spring 2015 based on the outlines provided

Scholarship applications and qualification information are available at http://www.towson.edu/womensresources/scholarship.asp.