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So What is a Student Degree Plan?

If you have between 45 and 90 earned credits, you may have noticed a “hold” on your account that says “Student Degree Plan Required”.  This means that this semester, you are required by the University – as a result of a state mandate – to complete and submit a plan of which courses you will take in each of your remaining semesters at Towson to finish your Bachelor’s Degree.  A degree completion plan takes into account not only the courses needed but the appropriately sequence and timing of the courses.  If you see this “hold” on your account, don’t panic, but do the following:

  • check out Towson’s online undergraduate catalog for the recommended plan of study for your major;
  • review your Academic Requirements Report to see which graduation requirements you have met and which you need to complete; and
  • go to the website of your College or Major Department to find information about how to file a Degree Completion Plan with your advisor or academic department.

Need help?  Have questions?  Contact your academic department or the Academic Advising Center in the Lecture Hall Building. Having a Degree Completion Plan will really help you to finish your degree on time!

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