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Get it Together! Make your disaster plan.

The March Inova Webinar: Practical Strategies to Stay Safe, March 17 – noon and 2 p.m. sessions
The key to surviving a disaster is to be prepared. Whether your community is prone to hurricanes, tornados, vulnerable to wildfires, or waiting for the next big earthquake, having a plan in place can make all the difference for you and your family. Your Employee Support Program can help with resources and information on creating your disaster plan. Learn strategies to keep you and your family safe in case of natural disasters, terrorist attacks, or other emergencies.
To register: start your login at www.inova.org/eap and enter your user name: towsonu and password: towsonu (case sensitive). Once directed to your Work/Life site, scroll down to reach the Online Seminar links on the right-hand side of the page. Click on the link for the webinar you would like to attend, and you will then see links to register for the first or second session. A confirmation email with the Event Number and Password is sent to each registrant and a reminder email will be sent a few days before the session. If you do miss it, all of the webinars are archived!
