TU home | T3 | Interested in creating a culture of consent on Towson’s Campus?

Interested in creating a culture of consent on Towson’s Campus?

Interested in creating a culture of consent on Towson’s Campus?  Don’t know where to start but want to learn more? If so, this workshop is just for you! Along with facilitators from FORCE, participants will work together to brainstorm ways to engage the campus community through creativity and activism. Whether you’re looking to serve as an advocate, or raise awareness to promote consent within your student organizations, this workshop will help you build and implement programming on campus!

Monday, March 9th, 6-8pm, West Village Ballroom A.

Please RSVP to mahmed@towson.edu.

To learn more about FORCE, please visit themonumentquilt.org and also upsettingrapeculture.com. Co-sponsored by Women’s Resources, Center for Student Diversity, the University Counseling Center’s Sexual Assault Peer Educators (SAPE), Fraternity and Sorority Life, and the Counseling Center.