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1-minute video: protect your things from getting stolen

Property theft is a common crime on TU’s campus. Watch this 1-minute video to learn useful tips for keeping your things from getting stolen:

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1-minute video: protect your things from getting stolen

Property theft is a common crime on TU’s campus. Watch this 1-minute video to learn useful tips for keeping your things from getting stolen:

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Get Coffee with a Cop!

Come join the TU Police Department for “Coffee with a Cop” as we offer basic crime prevention reminders while serving FREE coffee, tea, and donuts. This will help keep you safe and vigilant while studying for finals. Also the first 50 people will receive a FREE WalkSafe T-shirt. The event will be held on the […]

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1-minute video: protect your things from getting stolen

Property theft is a common crime on TU’s campus. Watch this 1-minute video to learn useful tips for keeping your things from getting stolen:

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External (Outdoor) Voice Emergency System Test TODAY

The Office of Public Safety will be conducting a test of the university’s external (outdoor) voice emergency system on Monday, January 30, 2017 at approximately 1 p.m . The test should last no more than a few minutes. The test will consist of multiple alert tones as well as messages that indicate this is only […]

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External (Outdoor) Voice Emergency System Test NEXT WEEK

The Office of Public Safety will be conducting a test of the university’s external (outdoor) voice emergency system on Monday, January 30, 2017 at approximately 1 p.m. The test should last no more than a few minutes. The test will consist of multiple alert tones as well as messages that indicate this is only a […]

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1-minute video: protect your things from getting stolen

Property theft is a common crime on TU’s campus. Watch this 1-minute video to learn useful tips for keeping your things from getting stolen:

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Thanksgiving Holiday Safety

The TUPD wants everyone to have a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Since we understand that Thanksgiving is traditionally the start of holiday shopping, here are some tips to make your holiday both safe and enjoyable: Pay special attention to your wallets and purses. Keep your wallet in your front pants or jacket pocket. Purses should […]

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Walking on campus? Tips to stay safe

Pedestrians are struck by vehicles on TU’s campus more often that you might think. Watch this 1-minute video to learn useful tips for staying safe while walking on and around campus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FBRj9PJIWI. For additional videos on important campus safety topics, go to TU’s YouTube page. For crime prevention tips and information, visit the TUPD’s Safety […]

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1-minute video: protect your things from getting stolen

Property theft is a common crime on TU’s campus. Watch this 1-minute video to learn useful tips for keeping your things from getting stolen:

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Motor Vehicle Theft and Safety Prevention

Recently the Baltimore County Police, Towson Precinct has been experiencing a rise in vehicle thefts throughout Towson. Drivers may be tempted to warm up their cars and stay inside of their residence, but cars being left unlocked and unattended with the keys in the ignition are quick easy targets for thieves.  Follow the tips listed […]

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Baltimore County Training Exercise

On Thursday, January 15, 2015, from 6 a.m. to about noon, Baltimore County’s Police & Fire Departments will be conducting a training exercise in the SECU Arena and Towson Center. Towson University’s Office of Public Safety’s Department of Environmental Health & Safety-Office of Emergency Preparedness and the Police Department will also be participating. . Access […]

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Take a FREE Rape, Aggression, Defense (RAD) Course sponsored by TUPD

The Towson University Police Department is offering a Rape, Aggression, Defense (RAD) course for female students, faculty and staff during the month of April.  RAD is a program that teaches realistic self-defense techniques.  The RAD program begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, and concludes with hands-on defense teaching.   The course will be […]

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