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Sneak peek at 4 campus improvements

Read the latest issue of Dollars & Common Sense, the Division of Administration & Finance Blog, for the following articles:

How 5 A&F employees are changing in 2015
Get a peek inside employees’ personalities via their 2015 resolutions.

Photos from A&F’s basketball reception
More than a dozen photos of staff and their families.

4 new campus improvements
Who says the campus isn’t busy over winter break?

2014 Annual Report
Get online access to the revamped report.

Personnel Announcement
The scoop on 5 new campus videos.


About the blog: Dollars and Common Sense shares news, announcements and information about the people and projects within the Division of Administration and Finance at Towson University. With more than 600 dedicated employees handling the university’s general operations, technology, construction, finances, human resources and safety, we have plenty of great news to share.

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