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Host South Korean Undergraduate Students this February

Towson University is welcoming undergraduate students from South Korean partner institutions this February.  The students will be participating in a short-term English as a Second Language (ESL) program from February 1 to February 28, 2015.  The program includes a brief homestay component (2 nights/3 days) from Friday, February 13 through Sunday, February 15, 2015.  (Participating homestay families will pick up students from the Towson University Marriott Conference Hotel after 5 pm on Friday, Feb. 13 and return them to Towson University on Sunday evening, Feb. 15.) Host families have freedom to decide what they wish to do for the brief period of time they are hosting.  Some will do what they typically do during a weekend (shopping, nearby travel, Sunday morning church and lunch, etc.) while others may plan a trip to a nearby destination, such as a museum, sporting event, festival or other activity outdoors. Past participants have ranked the brief homestay as a highlight of their time in the U.S. Some benefits to hosting include:

  • Learning about a new culture: its values, traditions, language, food and more
  • Expanding your global perspective and enriching the lives of your family members
  • Sharing American culture and customs
  • Developing life-long international friendships and memories (Many of our host families keep in touch with students for years to come and even host family members when the visit their home country)
  • Having fun!

How to Participate: If you are interested in hosting students, please contact the Office of International Partnerships by email at sip@towson.edu.  We will follow up with a request for additional information.

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